Viies Eesti Fotokunstimess toimub oktoobri esimesel nädalavahetusel
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Viies Eesti Fotokunstimess toimub oktoobri esimesel nädalavahetusel
Eesti Fotokunstimess 2014 toimub 3.–5. oktoobril Telliskivi Loomelinnaku Rohelises saalis. Messil saab vaadata ja osta Eesti kunstnike värskeid teoseid; väljapanekut täiendab sisukas publikprogramm.
Tänavu juba viiendat korda toimuva fotokunstimessi eesmärgiks on tutvustada Eesti fotokunstnike loomingut kohalikule publikule ning välisekspertidele, jagada teavet fotokunsti kogumise võimaluste kohta ning algatada inspireerivaid ja mõtlemapanevaid arutelusid.
Osalevad kunstnikud: Alan Proosa, Anu Vahtra, Na Kim, Andres Lõo, Arne Maasik, Dénes Farkas, Diana Tamane, Eilve Manglus, Herkki Erich Merila, Jaanus Samma, Kalev Vapper, Karel Koplimets, Katrin Sarapuu, Katrina Tang, Kristiina Hansen, Maido Juss, Mall Nukke, Marge Monko, Maria Kapajeva, Ott Kadarik, Paco Ulman, Sigrid Viir & Kristiina Hansen & Johannes Säre, Triin Rebane, Tõnu Tunnel, Vahur Puik.
Valiku osalemissoovi avaldanud kunstnike vahel tegi ekspertidest koosnev zhürii: Indrek Grigor (Tartu Kunstimaja), Liina Siib (Fotokunstnike Ühendus), Jaana Jüris ja Neeme Külm (Valge Kuup) ning Rowan Geddis (Gasworks, London).
Fotokunstimess toimub Fotokunstnike Ühenduse (Foku) eestvedamisel koostöös Eesti Kaasaegse Kunsti Arenduskeskusega, Kultuurkapitali ja Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi toetusel.
Osalevate kunstnike tutvustus ja publikuprogramm on nähtav siin.
26 artists are represented at the 5th Estonian Photographic Art Fair
The Estonian Photographic Art Fair 2014 will take place from 3 to 5 October 2014 at Telliskivi Loomelinnak, Tallinn. Visitors can see and buy new works from 26 leading artists; the display is contextualised by a varied programme of public events.
Already in its 5th year, The Photographic Art Fair is organised by The Union of Photography Artists (Foku) in collaboration with Estonian Contemporary Art Development Center with the support of Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Regional Development Fund.
“The Estonian fair is unique in its approach – we work directly with artists,” said Helen Melesk, Project Manager of the fair. “This is partly due to the lack of an established gallery representation system in Estonia. Each year, we collaborate more closely with professional galleries – however, as an artist-led organisation we appreciate the flexibility and curatorial opportunities our current model offers.”
The purpose of the fair is to introduce recent trends in contemporary photography to the local public and international art professionals, to offer advice on the strategies of collecting contemporary art and to initiate discussions on the role of photography in art and visual culture.
The fair will be open on Friday and Saturday, 3 and 4 October from 11am to 8pm, and on Sunday, 5 October from 11am to 6pm. Also on view is a display of artist books focusing on contemporary photography from Finland.
Highlights of the public programme include guided tours and artist talks as well as practical workshops. English speaking visitors are welcome to paricipate in the public lectures by visiting speakers Anna-Kaisa Rastenberger, Chief Curator of The Finnish Museum of Photography and Ida Pimenoff, Chair of the Board of the Finnish Union of Artist Photographers, taking place on Saturday afternoon.
Participating artists: Alan Proosa, Anu Vahtra, Andres Lõo, Arne Maasik, Dénes Farkas, Diana Tamane, Eilve Manglus, Herkki Erich Merila, Jaanus Samma, Johannes Säre, Kalev Vapper, Karel Koplimets, Katrin Sarapuu, Katrina Tang, Kristiina Hansen, Maido Juss, Mall Nukke, Marge Monko, Maria Kapajeva, Na Kim, Ott Kadarik, Paco Ulman, Sigrid Viir, Triin Rebane, Tõnu Tunnel, Vahur Puik. The selection was made by a jury of experts: Indrek Grigor (Tartu Kunstimaja), Liina Siib (Union of Photographic Artists), Jaana Jüris and Neeme Külm (Valge Kuup) and Rowan Geddis (Gasworks, London).
Kristel Raesaar, Photographic Art Fair 2014
+372 5025770,